On February 8, 2024, grantmakers with an interest in equity and/or aging gathered to explore the intersection of those topics. This page conveys related program materials, including pre-reading, presentation recordings, and other resources. Resources are still being added. Click to Access: Agenda (also .pdf below) , Speaker Profiles , Program Recording , & Program Photos (pending) Pre-Reading Pre-Reading Report -- Aging Strong for All: Examining Aging Equity in the City of Boston (.pdf below) Pre-Reading Article -- "With Age, Blacks Fall Into Poverty as Their Health Worsens" (American...
This report highlights the giving practices of high net worth (HNW) donors of color. Until recently, Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) with HNW and ultra-high net worth (UHNW) have been an apparitional presence across philanthropic and nonprofit sectors. Yet, emerging research shows that there are at least 1.3 million HNW households of color in the United States with net liquid assets of one million dollars or more. The report research demonstrates that HNW donors of color have great potential to move millions of dollars and inspire other hidden figures in philanthropy.
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